Простите мой китайский, но чего это Ян Цзы развыступалась давеча в Вейбо против Юнь Си???
Дракон, как всегда, был смиренен, а мне это ну совсем не нра...
Из Драма Панды
Yang Zi promotes Princess Silver, urges Luo Yunxi to get the girl this time
"She also gave a shoutout to Luo Yunxi as she wrote on Weibo, "@Luo Yunxi Run Yu Fairy, why are you chasing after someone else? This time, please definitely succeed ahahahahahahah. But I have a feeling Aarif Rahman is going to succeed hahahahahaha."
ashes of love jin mi run yu
Luo Yunxi responded by saying that he'll do his best to succeed."
Моя же реакция : WTF?!