Фанатские дискуссии с просторов интернета -4
читать дальшеMelanie
6 months ago
I think the production company was fiercely promoting Yang Zi and Deng Lun, and hence, a lot of their outtakes were released. At least Luo Yunxi had a few released behind the scenes clips, but they were mostly of him singing. The other actors had almost zero clips of their filming, which was a pity. In one outtake, Yang Zi was wrestling with Luo Yunxi, but then gave up and huffily walked away, declaring she didn't want to play anymore when he didn't budge in the pushing match and she realized she wasn't going to win. I thought they had a lot of chemistry there. In another outtake of Yang Zi, Luo Yunxi, and the actress playing Kuang Lu, Yang Zi made funny faces and then pretended to faint. Luo gallantly caught her and grinned at her. I heard that during that outtake scene, Yang Zi had nearly tripped on the hem of her long robe while busy swaggering comically. A keen-eyed fan caught this and noticed that Luo Yunxi immediately grasped her arm and kept her upright. Apparently, the gesture was subtle, but noticeable when pointed out on one youtube video. He was applauded for his quick reflexes and gentlemanly gesture. In a talk show, Luo Yunxi mentioned that he and Yang Zi fought (in a friendly manner) over the bathroom facilities a lot. There was only one bathroom on the set, and Yang Zi and Luo Yunxi coincidentally always needed to use the bathroom at the same time. There was a video shown on the talk show of Yang Zi teasing Luo Yunxi about the bathroom battles.
6 months ago
I completely agree with you!!! I was just saying to my hubby (Yes I am married... Luo is safe from me... LOL) that one of the things that really set me off is Run Yu immediately thought of his brother when he found out that Jin Mi was his fiancee, but only pursued her when Kuang Lu encouraged him to not give up his wife! She reminded him that he has never fought for anything before and it was not fair to give his wife to Xu Feng too! Run Yu even says that he would make it up to Xu Feng but he had fallen in love and wanted Jin Mi. She is the first thing he ever really wanted to fight for! And he really does fight for her in every sense of the word!!!
But does Xu Feng think of his brother??? No... He immediately thought of himself!!! Tells Run Yu to his face that he won't give up Jin Mi!!! In his mind he gets everything he wants and that included her! That really made me dislike him so much because at first I liked his character too! After that he just seemed like a jerk! He never thought about 'how' it would hurt his brother and did not care if it did!! BOTH of us must be eating the same bitter pill Melanie!!! (>Ц<o)
But a lot of women like that type of guy. Xu Feng is what so many girls are taught to look for in life... Stay away from the 'weirdos' like Run Yu and strive for the rich, cool guys like Xu Feng.... (I cannot roll my eyes hard enough!) (e_e)
And you are correct that first loves are not always the best ones for you... Most Asian dramas will have you believe that, but it is really not true... I read somewhere that only 12% of people stay with their first loves OR their high school sweethearts... But half of them eventually end in divorce. Your mind is not the same when you are in your teens as it is when you are in your 20s, 30s and up... You either grow together or grow apart.
Run Yu IMO was definitely the better partner. A person like him has simple taste and tends to be focused. She would have been his world. As long as they could find fun activities to do together and gentle conversations they could have been happy. But what Jin Mi wanted was the brash, wild young guy that could (pardon the pun) break her out of her shell. It did not matter if he made her happy.... She wanted the excitement that he brought to her life instead of the peaceful security that Run Yu could bring to a relationship. Run Yu would be boring to her just playing a zither, a game of Go, or watching the stars...
One of the things I pointed out is that I noticed when Xu Feng was the Demon Lord he had the little hotties dancing for him and feeding him... We can only surmise that some 'may' have been for his 'ahem' personal pleasure. And the scene when he whispered Sui He's name I was really expecting him to open his eyes after JIn Mi left. When he did not I was like (@__@) "Oh myyyyyy?" So he was intimate with Sui He...
Something that Run Yu would never do! There was no one but Jin Mi for his heart, soul and body. As you pointed out Melanie, it is one of the things that made people love him! Run Yu's complete devotion to her. Reasons why Xu Feng probably needed to be alone and secluded in the mountain with Jin Mi.... If he was bored would he give in to temptation? If they were immortals together after 10, 000 years would Xu Feng have become a smut hound like his father? One can only guess...
And I know that many will disagree with this point of view but there were two times that Jin Mi fell silent... When Pu Chi asked if she loved Run Yu she fell silent... Everyone immediately said, "She did that because she does not love him..." But later they were shocked when she spoke about the 'two men in her heart'. The other time she fell silent is when Run Yu asked if she was happy... She falls silent and merely touches her son's face. He then says, "Of course you are..." But she did not say yes... I have wondered if that scene is to let us know that while she loves Xu Feng she may have some regrets about the situation with him? They are now trapped, alone, in a mountain cabin raising their son. It is almost like the way she was trapped in the Flora Realm in her little bubble. I know she says she misses the days when they first started but does she miss Run Yu in some way? It may be a stretch but that scene really made me question... It is hard to spend years with someone and walk away as if it did not happen....
6 months ago (edited)
I did not see some of the clips that you mentioned so I will look for them! I loved Luo and Yang's chemistry on screen... I guess it could be a sexual chemistry of sorts... Now I wonder if all of the tension was from them fighting over the bathroom! Waiting for the scene to end so they could see who would get to the facilities first! (^O^)
I really hope they pair again with a quality sсript as the main OTP. After seeing Luo in the love scene from "The Spring of My Life" he looks like he is a great kisser... I would love to see some of that magic between them! ( ๑ ᴖ ᴈ ᴖᴖ ᴑ ᴖ๑❣
I keep saying that whoever gets Luo Yunxi will be the luckiest girl on this planet or the most miserable because so many other women will want him too! I just hope that he is the faithful type... But he is a Leo male... Most of them have 'wandering eyes'. (¬ε¬ If only every man could be as devoted as Run Yu!!! (。♥‿♥。 LOL
Thank you again for telling me about these clips! I can't wait to watch them!
6 months ago
Have you seen the two clips where Luo Yunxi was wearing a red t-shirt in some show, where the hosts tricked him into singing in a recording booth while they nosily rummaged through his bag? In the shorter of the two clips, at the very end, there was a behind the scenes part, where Luo Yunxi was signing his photographs for fans, and the host told Luo Yunxi to write on the photos, "To my little wives." Luo was completely flabbergasted and confused, and stuttered, "But I...I don't have a wife yet." Haha. He didn't understand that "little wives" was referring to his fans, who were referring to themselves as "His Majesty's Consorts" (a reference to Heaven Emperor Run Yu). He seems so innocent, I bet he hasn't had a girlfriend yet.
No, no. I don't think Luo Yunxi and Yang Zi's chemistry is due to their bathroom battles. Haha! I agree that Yang Zi and Luo Yunzi have this sort of inexplicable sexual tension on screen. Have you noticed that Run Yu's eyes brighten whenever Jin Mi is around, and his eyes follow her around discreetly? I applaud Luo Yunxi's acting on this part, because it's hard to act with just your eyes and to be that subtle, since Run Yu is not some character who would flamboyantly announce his love for Jin Mi. The tension intensified (in a good way) when he turned "bad," as I could literally feel the longing Run Yu had for Jin Mi vibrating around his very being. Her callous attitude toward him only made the tension more palpable and bittersweet. Yes, they would make a good romantic pair if they were to collaborate again, hopefully in another wuxia/xianxia drama, since those are my favorite.
I even think Yan You and Jin Mi had great chemistry as the comical/BFF pairing. Despite all Yan You's teasing and joking about wanting Jin Mi to elope with him, I think he really would elope with her if she actually were interested in him. He probably did love her in his own way, but he knew she had no romantic interest in him. Hence, he chose to reign in any budding feelings on his part to protect his own heart. Besides, if he really did elope with Jin Mi, Run Yu will just tear apart the realms looking for them, and Run Yu can be quite terrifying toward a love rival.
The two great on-screen kissers I have seen so far are Wallace Chung and Mark Chao. Really, Luo Yunxi is a great kisser? Will have to check out this kissing clip. Where is it?
I think someone mentioned in the comments section somewhere that Luo Yunxi said that he and Yang Zi had filmed quite a few kissing scenes as Jin Mi and Run Yu, but they were cut out of the final product. A pity... That one heartbreaking, one-sided kiss from Run Yu while Jin Mi was asleep spoke volumes. I wonder what a kissing scene between the two would have been like had Jin Mi been awake.
6 months ago
The clip is on 火箭 RocketMoon!!! It's supposed to be awkwardly sexy because of the characters being intimate for the first time btw... youtu.be/zL6fuqcVFn8;
6 months ago
I completely agree that Run Yu is the better choice. Xu Feng could be a fling but when it comes to settling down, Run Yu is the better pick. At least, Run Yu is more mature when handling love matters. When Xu Feng is angry, he lashes out at Jin Mi. (In the novel, Xu Feng even mentioned a few times that he wanted to kill Jin Mi. They toned that homicidal talk down in the drama to make him more socially acceptable.) Yes, Jin Mi killed him, so understandably, he was mad and hurt. But she had tried her best to make amends, including sacrificing her color sight and her life (she nearly melted) to bring him back from the dead. Even if he could not forget and forgive, he should have just had a mature discussion with her that he wanted her to stop bothering him in the Demon Realm and cut it off with her permanently. Instead, he decided to hurt himself, Sui He, and Jin Mi by using Sui He to torture Jin Mi emotionally. I don't like men who resort to making the woman they love jealous just because they are mad at her or because they want to "get back" at her. I find it immature, hurtful, and absolutely useless in solving any problems. Plus, despite Sui He being the "annoying third wheel," she did not deserve to be used that way and have her feelings toyed with. Despite her wrongdoings, Sui He truly loved Xu Feng and was more devoted to him than Jin Mi was. Yet, Xu Feng didn't care at all for her feelings, and this was when he thought Sui He was the one who had revived him! This was how he treated his savior, by using her to make the woman he really loved jealous!
Run Yu, on the other hand, would have never resorted to such immature tactics. He never used Kuang Lu (since she was always conveniently trailing after him) to make Jin Mi jealous. He could have, but he chose not to, because he respected Kuang Lu, himself, and Jin Mi. Or he could have deliberately taken some consorts to see if he could get some reaction out of Jin Mi. Yet, he never did, because he would never treat his love for Jin Mi so carelessly.
You know, maybe if Run Yu did start paying attention to other women, Jin Mi might wake up and actually see him. Jin Mi seemed like the sort who thought the grass was always greener on the other side of the fence. When she had Xu Feng's heart, she didn't trust him enough to investigate thoroughly before stabbing him. When Xu Feng no longer wanted her, she moved heaven and earth to get him to love her again, regardless of whom she had to hurt and step on (Run Yu). Perhaps, if she no longer held Run Yu's heart, she would realize what she was losing and chase after Run Yu.
I LOVE your analysis of the two moments Jin Mi was silent. I could not agree more! Jin Mi had always been very vocal about her love for Xu Feng without caring whom she would hurt with her declarations of love for Xu Feng, So why did she fall silent? It certainly wouldn't be because she was trying to spare Run Yu's feelings, since she never cared about hurting him before. So the only explanation would be that she did love Run Yu. After all, I did detect some gloating when she was around Kuang Lu, because she enjoyed being Run Yu's world. She knew very well how much she meant to Run Yu and used his love for her to her advantage, despite that accusation she screamed at him about him not loving her.
One other moment I would like to mention was during the conversation among Xu Feng, Jin Mi, and Run Yu right before all the fighting broke out during the Heaven-Demon War. When Run Yu told Jin Mi that he had only threatened the Floral Realm's safety to coax her to return to him and that if she was willing to come back to him, everything was negotiable, she hesitated. That hesitation was subtle but spoke volumes. I really think she might have run back to Run Yu had Xu Feng not held onto her hand at that moment and started to mock Run Yu for not being able to do anything if he (Xu Feng) refused to let go of Jin Mi. (I almost expected Xu Feng to stick his tongue out at Run Yu right after making that statement.) You could argue that even if Jin Mi had run back to Run Yu, it would be because she was thinking of the Floral Realm's safety. However, I disagree. She knew Run Yu would not truly kill anyone from the Floral Realm, because doing so would sever ties between him and Jin Mi, and he wouldn't risk that. Therefore, that brief moment of hesitation, I think, was because she was still undecided between the two men. Remember, for her, the grass was always greener on the other side of the fence? Well, now that she had Xu Feng's forgiveness, maybe she was missing Run Yu now... You never know with Jin Mi... I think if both men had been amenable to a reverse harem, Jin Mi would have wanted both Run Yu and Xu Feng. But unfortunately for Jin Mi, both guys would rather kill each other first than share her. :P
6 months ago (edited)
"His Majesty's Consorts"!!! I love it! (^O^)
I am quite sure that he has had girlfriends but probably prefers to keep that side of his personal life... well... personal. I don't blame him.... If his fans are harassing his assistant can you imagine what they would do to his girlfriend! (@_@) I want him to shock the world and announce that he is marrying his assistant Xiao Zu (I don't know Piglet's real name...) That will make all of the fans faint! jk... sort of (ᗒᗜᗕ՛̵̖
Luo Yunxi being able to act with his eyes, small twitches and even subtle movements is what impressed me so much. To be able to do that is not as easy as it looks especially in front of cameras and surrounded with people shouting directions... Little things like that is what made Run Yu stand out so much more than the other actors IMO. You could feel so much with just a look... Words were not necessary. Not that the other actors were not excellent, but Luo's face is so full of expression as Run Yu that he could do an entire scene without saying a word and you would know exactly what he was feeling.
I loved Yan You/ Pu Chi!!! Adonis really needs more work after this show!!! On one of the boards there were 4 teams. Team Night Immortal, Team Phoenix, Team White Teeth and Team Neutral... You knew immediately who White Teeth was! °₊·ˈ∗(( ॣ>̶᷇ᗢ<̶᷆ ॣ)∗ˈ‧
So many loved Pu Chi! And I loved that they had him as Jin Mi's friend! And I liked that you could tell he really liked her but decided to stay platonic... Every woman needs a friend like Pu Chi! I just thought it was sad how Run Yu actually took the torture from the Empress to save Yan You, and even took the time to heal him after the Sui He attack, but Yan You still betrayed him in the end by helping Jin Mi return to Xu Feng... Yan You turned out to be like everyone else in poor Run Yu's life despite all that he did for him... If Run Yu had let Yan You die he never would have been there to betray him. It seems like all of the people he fought to save were the ones that betrayed him in the end. (。•́︿•̀。
Of course Luo as 'Emperor Pu Chi' was amazing! Impressive impersonation is an understatement! He should win an award just for that scene! (^O^) As soon as he walked up I actually blurted out loud, "Oh dear Lord! That is Pu Chi!" And fell out laughing!!! I would love to see Adonis and Yang Zi together again as well... If Luo is also in the cast it will be gold!
As for the kiss... I actually think it is good that a mutual kiss between them was cut... Why... Because it gave more to the feeling of desperation that Run Yu was experiencing. It also let us know that Jin Mi was not sexually interested in him... If they were kissing together I think it would have cheapened her even more... Bad enough to sleep with his brother but to turn around and kiss Run Yu would have made her seem so much worse... As much as I wanted to see a kiss with them it was better the way they did it. As you said... The 'sad kiss' spoke volumes.... I actually could feel tears in my eyes the first time I watched it just thinking, "How sad and yet twistedly beautiful..."
And Xianxia/Wuxia are also my favorite genres in Chinese dramas... Historical and Modern have to really be good (like Secret of the Three Kingdoms) to get me to watch them all the way through. Or on the dark side like "Bloody Romance". ( I don't even know what to think after seeing that! ║ * ರ Ĺ̯ ರ * ║ )
I don't want Luo to get typecast but I definitely want to see him play a dark or morally ambiguous character again... He really does better at that compared to the lighter 'good" characters that he has played in the past that just get grumpy from time to time... (⌒▽⌒)
6 months ago
You think Luo Yunxi has had girlfriends? Oh... Maybe I am the one who is too innocent... Ha.
Eh? His fans are harassing his assistant? Who's his assistant and why are they harassing her?
On multiple interviews, Luo Yunxi said he would like to play an assassin or a psychiatric patient.
6 months ago
Also, have you seen the outtake clip when Yan You accompanied Jin Mi to Serpent Mountain? They used real snakes and Yang Zi freaked out. (I would, too!) It was hilarious how Yang Zi kept screeching and used Adonis (is that his name?) as her protection shield. Haha. I laugh, because I am a wimp and freak out a lot, too, over the tiniest creepy crawlies and push men in front of me, too.
6 months ago
I forgot to ask... Which of the teams had the most supporters? And was there really anyone on Team Neutral? It's hard to remain neutral!
By the way, I want to correct myself. His fans refer to themselves as "His Majesty's Celestial Consorts" (since 天妃 means heaven or celestial consort).
6 months ago (edited)
You have no idea how much I REALLY love this conversation!!!
Love your points about Xu Feng using jealousy to hurt Jin Mi! That is so true! And in many ways he also knew that Sui He was jealous of Jin Mi, shrugged it off and appeared to silently laugh at how much she wanted him. Xu Feng is so used to 'all the ladies' loving him so I think that is what he expects. I mean who would NOT love the great Xu Feng! ( e_e ) I hate people that use emotional control to take advantage of others!
So happy that you are telling me the differences with the book.. Xu Feng just seems like such a twat... I wanted to read it but the drama has ruined me! I think I will wind up hating Xu Feng even more if I dive into the novel! LOL
I can imagine him saying he wants to kill her... Xu Feng liked how carefree she was but he also wanted to control her... I still think that part of the attraction to Jin MI was feeling like he could not have her... She was trapped in the Flora Realm... Fight to take her out. She was supposed to marry his brother... Fight to make her his... His parents are against them being together... Fight to defy them. She pulled from him when her parents were killed... Fight to claim her at the wedding. She is begging forgiveness... Torture her, then fight to make her his when he realizes he could lose her again... So it makes you question how happy is he now that Xu Feng has her? Or is the child the main thing holding them together?
Run Yu did not fight for her because he wanted 'merely' to possess her. In his mind she was his destined soulmate. The only person that stirred feelings of intimate love within him. The person that was to be his wife. Even in the scene above he is really saying he is scared... He doesn't want to lock her up but he is too afraid to let her go. He doesn't want her because he can't have her, but because he wants Jin Mi to want him as much as he wants her. He wants her to love him and he does not know how to do that.
If he only wanted to possess her why would he let her roam to his brother in the Demon Realm KNOWING that she is doing this to get Xu Feng to love her again. What does Run Yu do? He bites down and takes the emotional pain, watching her run to another man, in hopes that she will eventually get over Xu Feng and come to him. But the focus is on the two times that Run Yu 'locked her up' and so many see that as evil... He was growing tired of her hurting herself and most of all hurting him... He already gave her half his life how much more could he give?!?!? It was more obsession for Run Yu rather than possession IMO...
That is the difference... Run Yu let her go in hopes that she would come to him if he was good to her... Xu Feng on the other hand just assumed that she would always love him and no one else... Xu Feng never thought to let her go to his brother and see if she would come to a realization that she really loved him..... He had to possess Jin Mi, jump after her to the Mortal Realm and bed her to make her his... Remember Run Yu said he would go into the Mortal Realm with Jin Mi so they could strengthen their bond... Well Xu Feng and Moon Immortal botched that up! (<_< So even Run Yu knew that bonding in the Mortal Realm would make a difference..... Makes you question what would have happened if Run Yu went in with her instead of Xu Feng.
I still think that Jin Mi loved Run Yu but Xu Feng was more exciting... And after being trapped in the Flora Realm she wanted something fun and crazy to happen... Remember when she met Liu Ying and she hurried to see the confrontation between her and Xu Feng... She wanted trouble, mischief and mayhem... Run Yu was too passive in the beginning to give that to Jin Mi.
Great observation about the scene before the battle... I never thought of that but she did hesitate... Most will say it is because she was thinking about the people of the Flora Realm but she knew Run Yu. I think she would have gone with him to calm him down... Make sure that everyone was fine... But then she would have run back to Xu Feng if Run Yu did not strangle her first! (^O^) Sorry, but the man was really getting tired of her crap and I don't blame him....
And Xu Feng's teasing attitude towards Run Yu really set me off!!! Even Jin Mi looked at him like, ' Um... I don't think you want to do that!' (((╹д╹)) LOL During the battle when Xu Feng was punched I am sorry to admit that I cheered... He deserved it... That smug and pompous look needed to be knocked off his face!
This is the reason that for me the show ends after the battle... The last two episodes are for Xu Feng-Jin Mi fans IMO. (But I sincerely admire the acting in them) I would prefer for the show to end after the battle because it becomes a moral lesson... ALL of the characters were flawed. ALL of them did some of the most messed up things to each other... In the end Jin Mi redeemed herself... Run Yu and Xu Feng then had all of eternity (or however long) to think about what they did... For me, that was the perfect ending... In the end NO ONE should have won. No one should have been happy with their choices... And I still would have understood everything that Run Yu did... Not saying it was right... Just saying I could understand... ˉ̶( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ ) ˉ̶
6 months ago
On 火箭 RocketMoon (She is the greatest!) there are several clips of him and his personal assistant Xiao Zhu (as Luo calls her). I absolutely love the two of them together! She was even in one of the clips from the 'Heavy Sweetness...' outtakes. (Short, chubby woman with long braids in those clips). She was threatened by fans. As someone was kind enough to explain to me, she paused her blog because people said they would stop being Luo's fans if she continued to blog about the things they did together. Complete insane jealousy... I really do not understand that at all... I am happy to see that they have so much fun!
I personally love seeing them together and I love how he lights up during their interactions. It is more of a sister-brother-best friend type of connection but I don't need to understand a word to find myself laughing especially when she says something and Luo is like "Shenme?" and just looks at her in confusion! I think she is also the one that tends to film him in some of his personal clips.
Here is one of their clips... They are like a comedy team IMO... I also love the one when she grabs him and he lets out a squeal! LOL
6 months ago
The 'squeal' (^O^)
6 months ago (edited)
I never really took count but it seemed that there were more people defending and cheering for Xu Feng and saying Jin Mi was merely a victim. One even said that Run Yu's kiss was like rape! (@_@) I was like... In the character's mind that is his fiancee... He is in love and I am sure that he saw nothing wrong with kissing her. It is not rape to kiss your fiancee. There were a few of us on Team Night immortal however that understood his motives and motivations even if we knew they were not the best way to go about them.
The biggest argument was that she would not kiss him when she was awake so it was 'forced affection'. And of course some asked what would I do if that happened to me. If it was my fiancee I would probably ask him why he waited until I was sleep? I would ask what motivated him to do something like that. I would want to know what is going through his mind... Problem is that unlike Jin Mi I would care... Was it inappropriate??? Yes... Was is likened to rape... IMO No...
Team White Teeth were some of the best people! In the middle of a heated argument about Phoenix and Night Immortal they would peek in with "Did anyone see how beautiful Pu Chi's smile was in this episode?" ٩̋(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑ (This was mostly on a drama board btw... Not mentioning names because there are those that watch for those things... (O__O) LOL )
I did see that clip with Adonis Liao (Pu Chi) and Yang Zi!! I actually avoided a lot of the behind the scenes clips because I did not want to be spoiled while watching the drama... But now I am having fun looking through them! And I have now seen the ones that you were talking about. Funny how Yang Zi kept doing things and you could see Luo trying to remain focused. Her and Deng Lun were so fun to watch behind the scenes... I wish that had come across more on camera...
I actually like snakes and creepy things... But I have always been odd like that... The snakes would not have bothered me at all... They probably would have to stop me from playing with them! But being scared would be a great excuse to clutch onto Adonis! (^O^)
Luo as an assassin or mental patient would be amazing! Even better... a serial killer... (^o^)b I really like him with a darker tone. When he 'snapped' as Run Yu it made the character shine! It took dark sexiness to another level! LOL
Even in "Fox In the Screen" he was moody and sarcastic but still the hero. I want to see him really play a true villain! After seeing him as Emperor Pu Chi I also want to see him in a comedy as well... A real Rom-Com with a decent sсript... Something like the KDrama "What's Wrong With Secretary Kim" or something with twisted humour... At this point it will be hard to top Run Yu so he needs to challenge himself to roles that others might shy away from, as long as it has an incredible sсript and great directors!
6 months ago
Ha! If Jin Mi did go back to the Heaven Realm with Run Yu to calm him down, I am sure she won't be able to easily get out again this time. It would have been fun to watch their fights. I think I must have weird taste, because toward the end, when Run Yu finally cracked and started to manhandle Jin Mi, I thought he appeared even more attractive than when he was Little Fish Immortal. His darker side was so sexy and manly, and Run Yu didn't even need to wear black and have little demonesses gyrating around him, like Xu Feng did, to appear hot. For me, suddenly the gentlemanly Run Yu was gone, replaced by a very intensely sizzling man. If Jin Mi wanted excitement and passion, well, I think she would have found it if she had bothered to stay long enough with Run Yu to find out. Their chemistry after Run Yu had dragged her into her chamber and had literally thrown her onto the bed was so intense. I liked his menacing gaze as he hovered over her; it was like he couldn't decide whether he wanted to strangle her or lean down closer to steal a kiss. And Jin Mi's shocked gaze with her nearly bulging eyes was priceless. She was probably thinking, "What the... Huh?"
It was a long time ago since I had read the novel, but I remember the novel being quite funny, because it was written from Jin Mi's point of view, so the reader could hear her thoughts. Her thoughts were so selfish and blunt that they were funny. When Run Yu broke her out of the bubble in the Floral Realm, Jin Mi thought, "Wow, Little Fish Immortal is quite a powerful deity!" You could hear the gears turning in her mind about how to use his powers. On the other hand, Jin Mi's comment about Run Yu's powers in the drama seemed more like a polite compliment. I think it was deliberate to make Jin Mi appear more likable.
Interestingly, in the novel, Jin Mi actually preferred Run Yu when she still had the Passionless Pill inside her. She repeatedly thought how lucky she was to be engaged to Run Yu instead of to Xu Feng. In her mind, she thought Run Yu was calm, elegant, understated, whereas Xu Feng was garish and overbearing. Then, suddenly, after she spit out the pill, she was insanely in love with Xu Feng, and I was flabbergasted.
Keep in mind that the novel was written from Jin Mi's point of view, so the readers could only see aspects of Run Yu and Xu Feng that Jin Mi saw. In the novel, I never could get a good grasp of Run Yu's character, since Jin Mi herself didn't understand him. He was elegant, gentlemanly, but Jin Mi (and the readers) never knew about his manipulation until the very end. Xu Feng somehow seemed really bad tempered in the novel, because from Jin Mi's point of view, he kept patronizing her with his arrogance.
Wow, I can't believe Luo Yunxi's assistant was threatened. She seems so nice. But I found this clip on bilibili.com (see below) and can understand why some more fanatic fans would be jealous of her. I saw a longer version of the clip somewhere before and didn't realize this was his assistant. In the longer clip, Luo Yunxi mentioned that his assistant accompanied him on many long nights, when he had to stay up and memorize his lines during the filming of Ashes of Love. She read the lines opposite his in the sсript so that he could practice. They seem really close. In the longer clip I saw, the host wanted to know if they also acted out the scenes, rather than just recite the lines. Luo said yes, sometimes. If I recall correctly, the host wanted Luo to act out a romantic, but intense type of scene. Luo Yunxi picked the "trap a woman against the wall" scene and used his assistant as his acting partner. Wow, she looked so embarrassed! Haha!
By the way, have you seen this advertisement Luo Yunxi filmed for women's cosmetics? It's really sexy and well done.
6 months ago
You and I can be weird together because angry Run Yu was SO sexy! I don't know if you will get the 'Silence of the Lambs' reference, but I joked that if Jin Mi went back with Run Yu he would suddenly become the "It puts the lotion in the basket.." guy! (*≧▽≦ She would never get out of the Heavenly Realm ever again! If she tried I would be afraid that he might accidentally kill her.
During the argument when he started explaining his side, and telling her that he saw her and his brother being intimate, did you see that insane look?!?!? Sorry but that was brimming with angry passion! Those eyes bulging like he could still see it in front of him. Everything that Run Yu had buried finally exploding! THAT was twistedly sexy! When he threw her on the bed with that crazed look on his face I was like, "Someone please pass me an inhaler!" If he was looking at me like that I would have melted! (♥ω♥ )
Even that gentle placement of her feet and the hair toss... ~fans self~ When Run Yu walked out between the soldiers for the battle I was like, "That is an Emperor!" He was in control while still being out of control! (Don't know if that makes sense... LOL) Run Yu was not going to walk away. Dark determination... Sexy af!!! I loved every moment of that darkness... (Applause to Luo Yunxi!)
Run Yu finally let down his guard and that is what he should have done years before! I think if he had gone off on her earlier maybe she could have respected him more... He hid so much from Jin Mi, including his abuse... I am sure that she never found out about that part of his history... I still think that Jin Mi was too selfish to really care about anyone but herself. Yet I wonder if she had received an energy slap from him earlier, with Run Yu just going off and yelling out what he was feeling, would she have really understood what he was going through or dismissed it? He tried so hard to give the appearance of being perfect that Jin Mi really did not seem to understand the depth of what he was going through... She knew he loved her, but how much did she really know Run Yu when you think about it? The one time he did try to open up to her after his mother died she started to talk about Rou Rou... (e_e)
Jin Mi never took a moment to think that he was in emotional pain... But can you completely blame her? (Yes... I am actually standing up for Jin Mi on something) Run Yu gave the appearance of someone that was a kicking post. Do whatever you want to him and he will still be standing there waiting patiently... The one time he tried to walk pass her she grabbed him and knew he would melt for her... He should have snatched his robe and walked away but his heart would not let him... Sounds crazy, but people treating others the way Jin Mi and Xu Feng behaved towards Run Yu is why school shootings happen... A person can take so much before they break....
But did you notice another thing that really showed that in some ways she did love Run Yu was when she pulled out the dragon scale... She was actually carrying it on her person! That really surprised me that she was still walking around with it after all that time. And even had it stored next to her heart. Are we to believe that she always carried it or did she start carrying it when she decided to marry him? I would not carry something that was given to me by someone that I did not care about...
Thank you again for explaining the differences in the novel. I really appreciate that! If she liked Run Yu more with the pill in the drama it would have upset a lot of people that wanted the 'soulmate, fairy tale' love that is usually pushed. If they had her in preference for Run Yu and then without pill mad for Xu Feng I probably would have stopped watching... For me it would not make sense... Especially, since Xu Feng really comes off as a jerk even in the drama version!
I am glad they fleshed the characters out more compared to the book version. The characters sound so much worse than their tele counterparts.(・∀・)The screen writers made sure to push that she loved Xu Feng and only Xu Feng even when she was with Run Yu. I think that is why several people made negative comments about the 'one in your heart and one that is far away' statement at the end. It did not make sense for many that she had any love for Run Yu. But him walking away slowly from her with the smile wiped off of his face after he saw her at the lake was so sad... And the lonely throne scene actually made me cry.... It felt so unfair after all that he had done and it was for her... Instead of being triumphant he was completely defeated... You can imagine that he will never smile again for all of eternity... Too sad...
6 months ago
I have seen both of the clips that you shared! Thank you so much for pointing them out again to me! On RocketMoon the entire clip is there when Luo does the Kabe-don on her! My heart would have popped out of my chest! (๑♡⌓♡๑ His poor assistant looks so shy and embarrassed when he calls her over! She seems like such a nice person and he really lights up when she is around. You can tell he has fun with her. She literally falls to the floor laughing when Luo leans in! She must have saved a country in another life to be so lucky... I am happy for her!
And the lipstick ad is so cute! I have seen it before but I love it!
I know there are some fans that have voiced that they don't want him to start pushing products and doing things like this but he has to take the jobs he likes while he is in demand. I don't blame him... I just hope that he can stay the same sweet and bubbly person that he appears to be... I would not want the popularity to change him...
Now that he has crossed over to being known in America (His face in Times Square! YAY for him!) who knows if that will take him further... Why I always want talented people like him to get the recognition they deserve but also become afraid of them becoming so popular that they are no longer the person I admire... Keeping fingers crossed that Luo Yunxi can have fame and still be grounded.... x(__ __)x
6 months ago (edited)
Actually, I've never seen Silence of the Lambs. I know, I know, everyone has watched it, but I'm a scaredy bear. Anyway, could you explain the lotion in the basket reference and what it has to do with Jin Mi returning to Run Yu?
Yes, yes, that insane look on Run Yu's face when he forced Jin Mi down onto the bed was menacing, yet very sexy! Isn't it weird that I find Run Yu's dark and domineering aspect very exciting? I mean, Little Fish Immortal was very handsome and gentlemanly, but I can see why Jin Mi was bored by him. Not that I don't love Little Fish Immortal, but after I realized that Run Yu can be so deliciously dangerous when provoked, I found him infinitely more attractive and desirable. He could be the perfect gentleman in public but quite diabolical behind closed doors. Oh, wait, Run Yu didn't bother to close the bedroom door when he threw Jin Mi on the bed. Haha.
There was another prior incident when Run Yu revealed that spark of danger beneath the veneer of the soft-spoken scholar - when he threw that bolt of energy at the mirror in his room and scared away the dream deer when he saw Jin Mi and Xu Feng being intimate in the dream bubble. I was so excited to see that scene...but then he went back to his mild mannered self. I thought, what the heck? But I should have realized that he wouldn't let such a betrayal slide. Even after realizing that Jin Mi had cheated on him, I always got the sense that he blamed Xu Feng more than Jin Mi. But after re-watching parts of the drama, I actually think Run Yu did punish Jin Mi for her betrayal in a very ingenious fashion. He took advantage of the Water God's death and manipulated Jin Mi into believing that Xu Feng had killed her father. So he steered one cheater into killing the other cheater. It was quite a brilliant move. It's always simpler to keep your hands clean and borrow someone else's knife to kill the opponent. I think such intelligence is quite sexy in a character. Unfortunately, Run Yu is the anti-hero in the drama and hence his actions are viewed as evil.
I do think that if Run Yu had blown up at Jin Mi earlier instead of holding all his emotions in, she might have been more interested in him. I don't know if she would be more sympathetic, since she's a very self-serving character, but showing his wild side would certainly catch her attention.
I know! When Jin Mi pulled out Run Yu's dragon scale and threw it away, the first thing I thought was that she had been carrying it around on her person all this time! Another moment when she showed that she cherished the dragon scale was in the Mortal Realm, when Xu Feng (as King Yi) grabbed the dragon scale out of her hands when she was deep in thought, and she immediately anxiously tried to retrieve it from him. Xu Feng asked Jin Mi to gift him the dragon scale, but she absolutely refused and was quite relieved when he returned the scale to her. Therefore, I definitely think Jin Mi loved Run Yu, probably not as much as she loved Xu Feng, because Run Yu was less fun and less exciting to be with. Even Yan You joked that Run Yu didn't know how to romance Jin Mi, because he only had one trick - admire the flowers. Maybe Run Yu should have taken Yan You up on his offer to teach Run Yu some more tricks to court Jin Mi. :P
That ending scene with Run Yu slowly walking away from Jin Mi and her son was heartbreaking. I think she was content at the end, but she didn't strike me as deliriously happy, which was what I had expected given that she had fought so hard to be with Xu Feng. You don't fight so hard to be with someone just so you could be content. Eh. And if you watch that ending scene between her and Run Yu closely, she did stare after him a bit wistfully as he walked away. I think that scene was extremely well done in that Run Yu did not look back as he walked away. In a way, he was resigned to his lonely existence, so why torture himself by glancing back at Jin Mi?
There are a few differences between the novel and drama ending that I find interesting. In the drama, I think they made Jin Mi more mature at the very end, as she seemed more settled in and maternal. In the novel, Jin Mi continued to "party" with the Moon God by going out to watch operas in the mortal realm or going up to the Heaven Realm to hang out with him. She also was not keen on becoming a mother in the novel and she and Xu Feng had their son after thousands of years of marriage (so she was an immortal at the end of the novel), not after one mortal year as stated in the drama. After she had given birth, she was disappointed that her son was only an egret. She thought an egret was too commonplace. She lamented why her son couldn't have a flashier true form. (I find her attitude horrible. She was complaining that her son was too ordinary for her liking.) This always made me wonder why she didn't just have a son with Run Yu. Their dragon son would certainly be flashy and cause lots of waves.