Ну ржу с контактика над пуговками! Хорошая у тебя ведущая, ей надо премию дать! Уже 220 человек! А мы даже и не начинали! Кстати, предположительная дата первых постеров ( по слухам, по слухам) 22-го апреля. Ну, поживём - увидим! Шангуана, вон, в придачу, поностальгировать.
Ну, я не знаю. Я считаю, что все эти блютусные/беспроводные наушники и близко не стоят по качеству звучания с теми элитными, которые раньше в гнездо вставлялись. Меня, помнится, этот новый концепт "без гнезда" расстроил. Но Лео, вон, нравится. Наверное, лучше многих.
Anyway, thin 99 Written on the eve of Luo Yunxi Haoyi Marching Group 04-15 00:52 Reading 12721
Незнакомая мне китайская фанатка излагает мои мысли. И излагает, несмотря на волнение, очень ясно.
Master, you are going to be on TV. This is not easy, you ask for happiness. Remember to return Luo Yu well in autumn. Let's talk about the rest Originally, I began to doubt myself: after so long, I touched my right hand with my left hand. Am I desensitized or powdered?
Like Luo Yunxi for more than a year. This is already a miracle for someone who is passionate about love and hard to last.
I was desensitized to his face, "aesthetic fatigue", and used to it; I was desensitized to the praises given to him by others, "Isn't this normal?" He is also desensitized to his various cute sand sculptures, "His hard core is Luo Yu." He is a natural and pollution-free cute, cute, with these cute little actions is not surprising.
In addition to the recent three-year disaster, defending radishes has become my number one priority. Weibo has opened less and feels like: I seem to be able to leave quietly.
When I was busy at night to open Weibo, the first thing that popped up was a popular post by President Duoduo: "Don't send any more private messages, I will post an announcement later." I am dizzy, look at the comments below, Yishui's "I'm so worried", "I must protect him"!
Immediately, like a cat with a blown hair, I walked into various groups and asked everywhere: "What happened to Luo Yunxi? What happened to him? Are you alright?"
As a result, everyone heard that there were too many people at the airport in Hengdian and they were worried. . .
Although it was a false alarm, I scared myself.
What is Luo Yunxi to me? Am I powdered? Am I feeling nothing? Am I a passerby?
Because Runyu knew him, because archaeology liked him. I know clearly that this man is not Runyu, he is Luoyu. When he met him, he was an ordinary actor with millions of fans. I like his versatility, like his open-mindedness, like his sincere and open-hearted, like his smart ghost horse. I didn't like him because I was sure he would rush the reds and purples to the top.
Today, I can ignore his beauty; I do n’t care whether he is red or not; I ’m lazy on the pretext of being busy. I have n’t posted data seriously recently; but, he ca n’t do anything, he must be good and happy. This is my "faint liking".
Tomorrow he will enter the group, Hao Yixing. For the first time, I was anxious and sentimental for him.
For this drama, everyone quarreled for too long.
I don't care what he plays. The person I admire is him, who happens to be an actor. Love House and Wu, what he plays is what I watch, what he plays is his job, of course, it is better to play a role he likes, he is happy. I may also not like a certain role he played, as if sometimes I did n’t like the clothes he was wearing. But what about that? He is still him, the one I like.
This drama hasn't been filmed, it has been on fire for too long.
It seems that the light of this drama can be red and purple. I really don't want the audience to have such great expectations for this drama. It is possible that after finishing the shooting, it will be a median score, and the general pass will be enough. I hope the audience will never be kidnapped by their own expectations. Disappointed with ordinary results because expectations were too high.
This drama will take too long.
It takes more than five months to shoot. It's autumn when the spring enters the group and comes out. Luo Yunxi has to stay in Hengdian all summer again. In 2017, it was fragrant honey; in 2018, it was white hair; in 2019, it was on fire; in 2020, Hao Yixing. Every summer of Hengdian, did not miss Luo Yunxi. He seemed inescapable. It's just that the weather is so hot, so many costumes are worn, and the old sweatshirt is sweating every day.
Heat is secondary, and the most important thing is not to be injured. Last year, Shangguan revealed that the injury happened just like yesterday. He flew from the wheelchair with coercion, and it hurt when he thought about it. Then I set off for a trip in a wheelchair, climbed into the roller coaster, and felt very blatant; then I walked calmly on crutches between Milan's shows and looked back and smiled.
Oh, it's just a nympho. Continue to turn back to the point, the point is not to be injured, not to have a stomachache, no allergies to the headgear, or a cold. . . It ’s good if the people are good. Nothing is more important.
He will join the group tomorrow. Hao Yixing attracted much attention.
I am anxious and calm. Anxious about his situation, calm the result behind.
The drama exploded, nothing more than tens of millions of people came to grab a man with me, I absolutely do not panic at this scene; the drama fell, but when I returned to Xiao transparent, I continued to watch him sand sculpture silly.
Explosive or thrashing, tens of millions of people may come to black him and scold him. It doesn't matter. Since he was a child, He Yichen, there are a lot of people who don't like him and want to hack him out. Although I am very counseling and can't stop any bad words, but I can carry him with him.
Master Zun Chu Wan Ning Yu Heng Bei Dou Xian Zun, Ye Yang for a long time. You and Luo Yunxi will meet tomorrow. For him, I read your story of 1.4 million words. Rest assured, I still like you. But it ’s not easy to go to TV. You still need Dofha.
Remember to return Luo Yu back on time in the fall, and the rest, let ’s talk about it.
Их как прорвало! Простыни пишут и простынки. Но одно подметили верно. Лео на студию Хэндянь каждое лето, как на курорт ездит. В 2017 - "Удушающая сладость, заиндевелый пепел" В 2018 - "Рrincess Silver" В 2019 - " И победитель - любовь" В 2020 - "Immortality". Расписание такое - очень расписанное. И между делом - "Брокер" и "Love is sweet".
Напряжение растёт в геометрической прогрессии. Вся лента, вон, аж полыхает. Хотя, если честно, ну а чего ожидать от первого дня? А? Хотя я и сама надеюсь. Кстати, нет аэропорта. Одно из двух: или своим ходом или и правда гайки закрутили. гуглоперевод типичный I can't restrain my excitement and I can't sleep. For the first time since I screamed for the names of Luo Yunxi and Chu Wanning together, it has been five and a half monthslike a dream.That Ha was so reliable when I was still dreaming.This makes the official announcement so untrue.Today, you are about to join the group andfinally wait for you.Hello, Chu Wanning.[tears]
Однажды на рассвете к дереву Бодхи, под которым предавался созерцанию Гаутама, пришёл лесной ракшас. Он некоторое время стоял, просто смотря на сидящего под деревом и плохо понимал, почему он ждёт, а не начинает есть этого слабого и беззащитного человека. Несколько минут в его, что называется, душе шла непонятная ему борьба — что то, доселе незнакомое ему, слабо, но настойчиво требовало не трогать сидящего. И вдруг, также ярко, как светит луч солнца на поляне посреди лесной чащи недалеко от его берлоги, ему вспомнилось наставление его матери: «Кушай, дитятко, брахманов — благочестье в брюхе лучше чирья в ухе.» Ракшас удовлетворённо хмыкнул, вспоминая особо приятные моменты жизни и уверенным шагом направился к сидящему.
Поэтому запомните: съевший Будду сам становится Буддой!
Вот честно, мне нравится сотрудничество Лео и Пройи. Оно такое креативное и ни разу не скучное. Маркетинговая команда знает, чего делает, хотя иногда, как мне видится, они Ло Юнь Си рекламируют больше!
Как снимают китайскую дораму? Массовочку особенно? И хотя мы все над некоторыми массовками посмевались, тем не менее, в " и победитель - любовь", вот правда, на массовки бюджета не жалели. Вот, поглядите, что нас там ждёт!
читать дальшеИ на каждом шагу режиссёр видел в нём Чу Ваньнина. Я даже догадываюсь, какие эмоции, желания и решения бродили в головах, после чего - ррраз! И... решение принято, согласие получено, фонды обеспечены.